• Apr 30, Pay attention to the Signs!

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:26:57
    I noticed blood in my stool several months before getting my colonoscopy and I am 46 yeras old, only because I suffer with bleeding hemorroids, and I strain

  • Apr 30, Bowel movement stopped

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:19:03
    My father is 67 years old and is in good health. For all of his life he has had a very active bowel movement (once in morning and at night). However

  • Apr 30, Colon tumor

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:17:37
    A 40 centimeter piece of colon was removed from my aunt. I want to know what to make of it. Could it be not cancerous

  • Apr 30, Colon cancer risks

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:16:14
    I read that a gene (heredity) can be passed on to the next generation for colon cancer. If that is true why are your siblings a risk to you? My brother

  • Apr 30, Colon cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:15:16
    My grandmother is 81 years old - had colon cancer stage3a. She had a surgery now she is experiencing abdominal pain and thay said she has a hole in her

  • Apr 30, Bowel cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:12:54
    My mum had surgery for cancer in her large bowel a month ago. She is in a lot of pain (abdomen) and feels sick. She is also having to visit the toilet

  • Apr 30, Colon cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:11:38
    How do you know you have colon cancer? and is 5 years old to young to get tested for the gene? Here is my email address angel_amanda2008@yahoo.com Thanks

  • Apr 30, Colon cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:10:43
    How do you know you have colon cancer? and is 5 years old to young to get tested for the gene

  • Apr 30, Worried

    Updated: 2012-04-30 20:09:52
    My son is 11 yrs old and was diagnosed with diverticulitis; he was hospitalized twice with both resulting in surgery. Is he at risk of having colon cancer

  • People fail to list persistent cough as a lung cancer warning

    Updated: 2012-04-30 11:50:00
    An astounding lack of public awareness about lung cancer has been revealed in a Cancer Research UK study, published today.

  • Study points to potential new treatment for deadly pancreatic cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-29 18:00:00
    Cancer Research UK-funded scientists have shown how a promising new class of drugs might be used to treat aggressive forms of pancreatic cancer, according to a study published in Nature.

  • Blood Clot Risk for Outpatients Needs More Attention Study

    Updated: 2012-04-28 03:40:29
    : Health News Blood Clot Risk for Outpatients Needs More Attention : Study Print E-mail FRIDAY , April 27 HealthDay News People undergoing outpatient surgery should be warned about their risk for dangerous blood clots , according to a new study that finds the risk is higher among groups including , but not limited to , those who are older or . obese The University of Michigan researchers found that one in 84 patients considered high-risk suffers a blood clot after outpatient surgery . More than 60 percent of operations are currently performed as outpatient procedures , according to background information in a university new . release Outpatient surgery now includes a greater variety of procedures , from plastic surgery to cancer operations and orthopedic surgery , and not all patients are

  • Diet supplements hazardous for health:experts

    Updated: 2012-04-27 07:58:28
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Diet supplements hazardous for health:experts POSTED April 27, 2012 12:28 POSTED BY Minnie Mahendru Last edited by Neharika Sabharwal on April 27, 2012 15:12 Stop Think twice before popping dietary supplement pills into your mouth to enhance health . benefits The so called innocent dietary supplements taken by millions of people worldwide for general well being may be the cause of potentially fatal disease claims a

  • Healthy Behaviors Extend Life After Cancer Experts Say

    Updated: 2012-04-27 03:19:55
    , Health News Healthy Behaviors Extend Life After Cancer , Experts Say Print E-mail THURSDAY , April 26 HealthDay News A healthy lifestyle including eating right , exercising and maintaining normal weight can boost the odds of long-term cancer survival , especially for breast , colorectal or prostate cancer , according to new recommendations from the American Cancer . Society About one in 25 Americans is a cancer survivor . Many ask , How can I keep the cancer from coming back said Colleen Doyle , the cancer society's director of nutrition and physical . activity Cancer survivors often are advised to adopt healthy behaviors , including eating lots of fruits , vegetables , whole grains and lean protein fitting in walking or other aerobic activity most days of the week and keeping weight

  • Low-Radiation CT Scans Effective at Spotting Appendicitis Study

    Updated: 2012-04-26 19:19:35
    : Health News Low-Radiation CT Scans Effective at Spotting Appendicitis : Study Print E-mail WEDNESDAY , April 25 HealthDay News Lower levels of radiation during CT scans could be just as effective for diagnosing appendicitis as the standard radiation dose , according to a new study from South . Korea Doctors typically order CT scans of the abdomen for adult and teen patients who have symptoms of appendicitis , such as pain near their belly button , to diagnose their condition before they decide whether to do an appendectomy surgery to remove the . appendix As long as CT is used judiciously , it allows doctors to reduce the rate of negative appendectomies before CT scans , about one in five patients would have their appendix removed and it was normal and their pain was due to something

  • Existing drugs could treat smokers' lung cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-26 17:00:00
    A common cancer drug and a drug used for a rare condition affecting the heart could together treat an aggressive form of lung cancer called non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), according to a study published in Cell today

  • Can aspirin be the answer to bowel cancer?

    Updated: 2012-04-26 16:27:45
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Can aspirin be the answer to bowel cancer POSTED April 26, 2012 20:57 POSTED BY Neharika Sabharwal Last edited by Silky Chandvani on April 26, 2012 23:04 The benefits of aspirin to prevent a range of potentially fatal health conditions has been widely studied and documented . Now , a new study finds that it may also prove beneficial in the treatment of bowel . cancer The researchers found people who took aspirin on a

  • Can pizza seasoning keep prostate cancer at bay?

    Updated: 2012-04-26 07:52:56
    Secondary links Login Register Health News My Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Find a Doctor near you Beta Primary links Diet Nutrition Fitness For the Soul Healthy Heart Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Health Hubs Cancer Diabetes Obesity Obstetrics Gynaecology ADHD Hypertension Stress Management Home Can pizza seasoning keep prostate cancer at bay POSTED April 26, 2012 12:22 POSTED BY Minnie Mahendru Last edited by Neharika Sabharwal on April 26, 2012 15:38 Guys , you can now happily gorge on a pan pizza without fretting over the loads of calories it contains Pizza topped with oregano , a seasoning herb , attacks and kills the cancer cells of the prostate gland with vigor , claims a new study . According to

  • Aspirin after bowel cancer diagnosis reduces chance of dying by 30 per cent

    Updated: 2012-04-25 00:01:00
    Taking aspirin after being diagnosed with bowel cancer can reduce the chance of dying from the disease by 30 per cent, new research shows today.

  • Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines Often Not Followed Study

    Updated: 2012-04-24 22:09:59
    : Health News Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines Often Not Followed : Study Print E-mail TUESDAY , April 24 HealthDay News In 2008, the U.S . Preventive Services Task Force recommended against testing for prostate cancer in men aged 75 and older , but new research finds that almost 44 percent of these men are still being . screened Before the 2008 guidelines were set , about 43 percent of men in this age group opted for prostate-specific antigen PSA tests , but the task force found that testing had no effect on longevity and could result in overtreatment with adverse consequences . Meanwhile , the task force drafted a new set of guidelines last October that are even more critical of PSA testing , suggesting it may not have any value for men of any . age Patients and providers did not

  • Molecule linked to lung cancer growth and spread

    Updated: 2012-04-24 22:00:00
    A molecule called MMP-10 could fuel the growth and spread of a common form of lung cancer, according to US lab work.

  • Apr 24, Colorectal Cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-24 17:32:27
    Is it possible that a only a grandparent(deceased) and a grandchild(around 20s) will display signs of colorectal cancer and not the parent in between?

  • Wife's Breast Cancer Can Hurt Husband's Health Too Study

    Updated: 2012-04-24 14:06:35
    : Health News Wife's Breast Cancer Can Hurt Husband's Health Too : Study Print E-mail MONDAY , April 23 HealthDay News The stress of caring for a wife with breast cancer can harm a man's health , and this effect can continue for years after her treatment ends , new research . says The Ohio State University study of 32 men found that those who had the highest levels of stress related to their wives' cancer were most likely to have physical symptoms such as headaches and abdominal pain and weaker immune . responses Previous research has suggested that people with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infection and might not respond well to . vaccines The median age of the men in the study was 58, and they had been married for an average of 26 . years Guilt , depression , fear of

  • Protein ‘block’ kills childhood cancer cells

    Updated: 2012-04-23 20:00:00
    An experimental drug that blocks an essential cell protein could be used to treat Wilms' tumour, a childhood cancer that affects the kidneys.

  • Series of measures 'could cut bowel cancer deaths by nearly two-thirds'

    Updated: 2012-04-23 00:00:00
    The number of UK bowel cancer deaths could be cut by nearly two-thirds within the next 15 years if certain recommendations are followed, according to the charity Bowel Cancer UK.

  • Adding chemo to radiotherapy halves risk of deadly bladder cancer returning

    Updated: 2012-04-18 22:00:00
    Bladder cancer patients given low doses of chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy were nearly 50 per cent less likely to relapse with the most lethal form of the disease compared to those given radiotherapy alone, a major trial funded by Cancer Research UK shows today (Wednesday).

  • Scientists re-write rule book on breast cancer in landmark global study

    Updated: 2012-04-18 18:00:00
    A major study carried out by Cancer Research UK scientists could revolutionise the way women with breast cancer will be diagnosed and treated in the future, by reclassifying the disease into 10 completely new categories based on the genetic fingerprint of a tumour.

  • Minimum alcohol pricing 'would cut deaths and hospital admissions'

    Updated: 2012-04-17 23:30:00
    Bringing in a minimum price of 40 pence per unit of alcohol would cut deaths and hospital admissions, according to a UK economist.

  • Apr 17, My journey through colon cancer at age 27

    Updated: 2012-04-17 20:11:13
    Let's head back to 2001 when I was having constant headaches, back pain and weakness in the legs. I went to my regular MD who said you have a stressful

  • Apr 17, Stage 1 colon cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-17 19:44:24
    I had an operation to remove a blockage. They said they got it all and they said I did not require chemo or radiotherapy. Should I insist that I receive

  • Sound-wave therapy for prostate cancer may reduce side effects

    Updated: 2012-04-17 11:54:00
    An experimental sound-wave treatment for certain types of prostate cancer may have fewer side effects than current therapies, according to new UK research.

  • Apr 16, Colon Removal

    Updated: 2012-04-16 20:56:38
    How does colon removal affects someone if they have to use the restroom

  • Apr 16, Bowel Cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-16 20:55:50
    My Grandad has has bowel cancer for 6 years, and is thinking of getting surgery, but has worries of being bed ridden for the rest of his life. He is 76

  • Apr 16, How often it bleeds in stool in case of colon cancer?

    Updated: 2012-04-16 20:54:17
    I get bleeding in my stool.. it happens very rare, i feel that it happens for the reason of summer season or because of more heat.. But I read it could

  • Cancer Research UK and Royal College of GPs form new partnership to improve early diagnosis

    Updated: 2012-04-16 09:43:00
    Cancer Research UK has launched a new partnership with GPs to improve cancer diagnosis and care in general practice.

  • Scientists discover that squeezed cells pop out of overcrowded tissues

    Updated: 2012-04-15 18:00:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists have shown that increasing pressure ejects surplus healthy cells from overcrowded tissues, revealing a possible link between this process and the spread of cancer, according to a study published in Nature.

  • Nanoparticle imaging technique 'could improve brain surgery'

    Updated: 2012-04-15 17:00:00
    A new 'nanoparticle'-based imaging technique could improve the accuracy of brain tumour surgery, according to lab work by US scientists.

  • Apr 13, Anal

    Updated: 2012-04-13 14:01:26
    I have anal cancer and have gone through 39 radiation treatments and 4 chemo. Then the doctor stopped and says eveything looks good but why did he tell

  • Lung cancer cases keep going up in women

    Updated: 2012-04-13 00:01:00
    Lung cancer cases continue to rise in women with more than 18,000 UK women diagnosed with the disease in 2009 according to the latest Cancer Research UK figures released today (Friday).

  • Huntington's disease and similar conditions 'linked to reduced risk of cancer'

    Updated: 2012-04-12 00:01:00
    Having Huntington's disease or similar conditions is linked to a reduced risk of developing cancer, according to Swedish research.

  • Apr 11, My mom's story

    Updated: 2012-04-11 14:42:15
    My mom was 65 when her doctor finally convinced her to get a colonoscopy. When she went in, they did a sigmoidoscopy instead. Halfway through the procedure,

  • Apr 11, My NewYear's Resolution Nightmare

    Updated: 2012-04-11 14:40:55
    This year's New Year's Resolution for my husband and myself was to get a phyiscal. I went in Jan. as planned scheduled my first coloscopy at the age of

  • Apr 10, Small intestine cancer

    Updated: 2012-04-10 17:47:34
    Can you do any cancer screening yourself

  • Location of proton beam facilities announced

    Updated: 2012-04-10 11:02:00
    Cutting-edge proton beam therapy units will be located in London and Manchester, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has announced.

  • Apr 9, Previous colon cancer surgery

    Updated: 2012-04-09 17:52:46
    3 years ago, my husband had 6 inches of his desending colon removed due to cancer. The dr's advised that he was fortunate that it was found in time as

  • Apr 9, Radiotherapy

    Updated: 2012-04-09 17:50:53
    I have mucus, constipation and some bleeding. Is it normal for these to happen 3 weeks after 27 session of radiotherapy ended?

  • Apr 9, 1 foot of colon

    Updated: 2012-04-09 17:49:15
    I am a female, 30 yrs old and have no insurance. I have been told for 2 years now I need a foot of my colon removed but i have no insurance and no one

  • Womb cancer deaths rise by a fifth in the last decade

    Updated: 2012-04-05 00:01:00
    Deaths from womb (uterine) cancer have risen by nearly twenty per cent in the last decade, according to new figures from Cancer Research UK today.

  • Less intense chemo 'better for some Hodgkin's lymphoma patients'

    Updated: 2012-04-04 00:01:00
    Giving patients fewer doses of a type of chemotherapy increases the effectiveness of a Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment, and reduces side effects, according to German researchers.

  • Longer cancer survival means nearly half of cancer patients die from other diseases

    Updated: 2012-04-03 19:00:00
    Improved cancer survival rates mean that up to half of people diagnosed with cancer actually die from other diseases, according to US research.

  • Apr 3, Colonoscopy prep

    Updated: 2012-04-03 12:18:51
    Is one glass of white wine in the afternoon of the day before a colonoscopy allowed?

  • Apr 3, Can i have a smoothie before a colonoscopy?

    Updated: 2012-04-03 12:17:37
    Can i have a smoothie before a colonoscopy

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